Tuesday 4 February 2014

All of My Ghost Stories

I honestly don't have many stories because I haven't had many experiences, but some were just scary as shit.

At my house, since its so small there was one legit bedroom, an attic and a really small loft about 4' by 7' which my mum made into bedrooms as well. But anyway, aside from my dog, I was home alone and it was a normal night.

I had just smoked a bowl, went inside and then made myself some munches. So my dog was just chilling by my side and I heard someone ran down the attic, then heard a strange sound like a slapping bare feet against the wooden ladder and right into the kitchen. And it was like someone running really fast too. So then it was headed right into the kitchen and the final footstep ended right between my feet. But no one was there. I blacked out in fear and ran out of the house. I had ran about a block and a half away from home until I finally started to get a grasp on reality.

:I have also had a pretty crazy experience with EVP (electronic voice phenomenon) (and trust me,I was sober for this one). I play guitar and I am very dedicated to it. So anyway, I was gonna play guitar, so I hooked up my amp (which was given to me by Blair, my step mom's dad who died of cancer about a year and a half ago), plugged in my pedal, turned up the volume and before I got the chance to plug in my guitar. I heard a very distinct, static like, odd voice. But it was obviously coming from the amp. I turned it up and listened some more. It was like an old person's voice, but it certainly wasn't Blair's voice. And even though I couldn't understand what the person was saying, it sounded like it was reviewing some sort of plan. That made me go acoustic for about a month, ha-ha. Aside from that, just a bunch of shit, that's pretty minor, but enough to freak you out (shit moving, slamming doors, weird shit with television, etc.). My stories might sound pretty lame, I guess, but unlike a bunch of attention whores who make up a bunch of shit that's obviously fake, I'm speaking from actual events.

Mac Eleven

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